Mini-warehouse handling cargo: first, the items are removed from the warehouse to be noted. After the classifying of goods, place them on shelves. You should not have direct contact to the floor of the goods. Instead, you can use tapes or pads. It is the responsibility of warehouse staff to ensure that goods are delivered on time, helpful hints!
The company’s warehouse is moved out of water in the first year and a classification of office supplies, raw material, labour, and spare parts follows. After splitting up the accounts into categories, it is divided by the area of use, such as water volume, or the access frequency for second-class. Finally, major categories are arranged according to each district’s statistics. As much as you can, place the office mini-storage as near the front of the building as possible. This will allow the only people who have access to it to be the employees at the warehouse. The mini-warehouse area is a good place to start if you want some office supplies. Supplies should match the cycle of delivery and there should be some capacity left over. Consideration of frequency and difficulty in the use of materials to the place of the mini-warehouse.
To make sure that unqualified materials are stored, they will not be issued, the storage is not damaged or lost. To ensure raw materials, finished goods and substandard database. Raw material warehouse keeper responsible for management, duties, and the Association of goods. Storehouse officers to accept the returned products, the hair, the pipe work, and receive them early. The store house staff that is in charge of the revenue will be responsible for substandard goods.
Mini-Warehouse: a system that is used to store and manage hair collection.